Thursday, July 19, 2007

Our afternoon presenter: Dr. Cristina Sorrentino "Knee Deep in Clutter" Conference held on June 19th at Beverly COA

Dr. Cristina Sorrentino is Project Director and Psychotherapist at the Boston University School of Social Work (BUSSW). she received her PhD in cognitive science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1998. She was a post-doctoral fellow and then a research associate in psychology at New York University and later at Stanford University, studying child cognitive and language development. She earned her MSW at the Boston University School of social Work in 2005 and joined Dr. gail Steketee's treatment and research group in June 2005. In addition to carrying out treatment of and research about compulsive hoarding, she provides community lectures and agency trainings on compulsive hoarding. Her most recent lecture was a talk for elders entitled, "Creating Space: Some Ideas about Organizing One's Home and Letting go" for the MGH Senior HealthWISE talk series. Dr. Sorrentino has also served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the BUSSW and taught the research foundation seminar over the past two years. She is currently co-authoring a book on human services and hoarding with Christiana Bratiotis, MSW, and Dr. Steketee.