Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Meeting on July 10, 2008

A special thank you to Lynne Johnson who joined the group at our July 10th meeting. Lynne shared information on the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization. Check out the web-site http://www.nsgcd.org/

It was discovered through our round table discussion that many agencies are experiencing an increase in the number of elders who are in one way or another supporting their adult children. The group decided to collaborate and plan a workshop in late Fall to support seniors who find themselves parenting once again. The workshop is our effort at early intervention to prevent senior's from finding themselves in difficult situations.

Brainstorming Ideas so far: a panel: legal, home making, housing options; provide a list of available resources, how to say no, if not working out; have a cake to celebrate parents; dealing with everyones stuff- clutter and hoarding issues; how can multiple families live under the same roof and make it successful; skills/tools to deal with children returning; seniors meet each other, a chance to talk and offer/receive support.

To do: List of possible presenters, possible funding sources, how to market event- who do we want to attend. Please post your ideas - we will discuss/finalize at the next meeting.