Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 8, 2009

Meeting held at the Beverly Senior Center, 90 Colon Street, Beverly

Regionalizing was discussed:

  • next steps visiting Western MA meeting to see how they operate, their by-laws and structure. The proposed mission of the North Shore Hoarding Task Force: to provide education, awareness and resources on the issue of hoarding and to assist North Shore communities addressing this growing concern. A time frame was discussed- as Spring 2010.

Reviewed the goals of the task force:

1)to help agencies understand each others roles and limitations (access/confidentiality) and to develop procedures which allow better coordination between providers 2) to develop "at-a-glance" reference tool for first responders 3)to offer training to a cross section of the community-clients, families and professionals- about recognizing symptoms and implementing effective intervention strategies 4) to explore resources available in our community and produce/distribute list of providers. We Celebrated our Success ! 1) We continue to learn about available resources and each agencies role, inviting speakers to our meetings and updating each other on changes at our agencies 2) We do have a reference tool for 1st responders- distributed to police, fire and ambulance during the summer of 2008 3) We have, when asked given presentations and respond to calls each week from within and beyond Beverly (calls received from CA, D.C. .. and even London!) 4) We do have a resource list that is available and will be updated yearly

Goals for 2010:

Continue to meet, every other month- try to meet at different member locations in and around Beverly.

Offer a support group for individuals who hoard, monthly at the Senior Center - each member will be asked to help facilitate.

Develop a funding guide/hand-out, the members will think creatively to help people access funds, find help and available resources in these tough times.

Continue to invite interesting speakers to our meetings to attract more interest. Invite key people to our meetings, housing and Rep. Mary Grant.

Work towards a conference and regionalization of a North Shore Hoarding Task Force

Add PDF's to our blog- the resource list and other helpful hand-outs

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